Tips for Traveling to Antelope Canyon

curvy orange and yellow rocks in antelope canyon

Antelope Canyon is a place so incredible that it feels like you’ve been hit by a wave of pure and natural beauty. Located two hours north of Flagstaff, AZ, you’ll find yourself on the Navajo Nation. This canyon is divided into two sections, which are the Upper and Lower Antelope Canyons. Named after the Pronghorn Antelopes that had once grazed the area, it also goes by many different names. Locals refer to the upper canyon as “the crack” and lower canyon as “the corkscrew,” but to the Navajos it is “the place where water runs through rock.” The canyon is considered a sacred and beautiful place.

How Was Antelope Canyon Formed?

Formed by erosion by flash flooding, the Navajo sandstone has been carved into amazing formations that have taken over thousands of years, to create. Today the unique canyons have attracted people from all over the world. When rays of sunlight reaches the canyon walls, it illuminates every twist and turn of the canyon, brightening it just enough to showcase the different hues of the pink, orange and red color of the sandstone. It is truly beautiful.

Plan Your Visit to Antelope Canyon

When planning a visit, weather is something to always be mindful of. Located in the backyard of Page, Arizona, the heat can be pretty intense for those unfamiliar to a dry desert heat. Be sure to pack enough water and lather up with sunscreen. If you’re traveling during monsoon season be cautious of flash floods that are infamous in the area. Back in 1997, 11 hikers lost their lives due to this natural disaster which had caused the canyon to be closed for several months. But don’t let that prevent you from checking this amazing place off of your list, to this day, the hazards of flash flooding still causes the Navajo Tribe to close the canyon for safety reasons every once in awhile to ensure the safety of their visitors and themselves.

Antelope Canyon is one of the best places to visit in northern Arizona to appreciate the natural beauty of this earth as well as the culture of its locals. The Navajos view this magnificent place as a spiritual place that they believe was gifted to them by mother earth and do what they can to preserve her works of art by blessing the walls throughout the canyon every four years. With each tour being led by one of their own, the Navajo guides have an abundance of knowledge they enjoy sharing with anyone who comes to visit while also taking amazing photos for you so that you can have that experience with you forever. 

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